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Workspace State Version Commands

Managing Workspace State Versions (State Files).

All commands below can be used with a sv alias.

Deleting a State Version is not possible at this time.

tfx workspace state-version list

List all State Versions for a supplied Workspace.

--max-items defaults to 10, setting this to a higher number will retrieve more items.


$ tfx workspace state-version list --workspace-name tt-workspace
Using config file: /Users/tstraub/.tfx.hcl
List State Versions for Workspace: tt-workspace
│ ID                  │ TERRAFORM VERSION │ SERIAL │ RUN ID               │ CREATED               │
│ sv-eoYznk6PbJY1o9XY │ 0.15.3            │     21 │ run-HmJRanghKXFCoRpe │ Thu Jul 15 18:03 2021 │
│ sv-VfpmiWSw5NUVWe5W │ 0.15.3            │     20 │ run-UjgDJwAeinyzzxAX │ Thu Jul 15 18:02 2021 │
│ sv-PQrMeSHA5DApQWyD │ 0.15.3            │     19 │ run-JMVCbHt6QYGKSpjS │ Thu Jul 15 18:01 2021 │
│ sv-eeX8tPfiEiUCgRsj │ 0.15.3            │     18 │ run-31xdejiW9JyLjkKz │ Thu Jul 15 17:58 2021 │
│ sv-HLWLncRuKwXkXHvz │ 0.15.3            │     17 │ run-tiC3MEGYbuueUg2X │ Thu Jun 24 22:21 2021 │
│ sv-zdZruvurj7K2GYpL │ 0.15.3            │     16 │ run-8VTakdYndfsBEfdY │ Wed Jun 23 12:33 2021 │
│ sv-Jdx81MWz2NVLCQNY │ 0.15.3            │     15 │ run-AbJ8yAgbgdBVhXkA │ Sun May 23 18:42 2021 │
│ sv-RVbc8e8qQkhn1s6e │ 0.15.3            │     14 │                      │ Sun May 23 18:40 2021 │
│ sv-EUYx9TPGi8BkSySL │ 0.15.3            │     13 │ run-ZWEtD3KWuur1rKdu │ Sat May 22 17:54 2021 │
│ sv-NAjiA8UvuFe5oUPb │ 0.15.3            │     12 │                      │ Sat May 22 17:54 2021 │

tfx workspace state-version show

Show state details for a supplied State Version.


$ tfx workspace state-version show --state-id sv-VfpmiWSw5NUVWe5W
Using config file: /Users/tstraub/.tfx.hcl
Show State Version for Workspace from Id: sv-VfpmiWSw5NUVWe5W
ID:                sv-VfpmiWSw5NUVWe5W
Created:           Thu Jul 15 18:02 2021
Terraform Version: 0.15.3
Serial:            20
State Version:     4
Run Id:            run-UjgDJwAeinyzzxAX

tfx workspace state-version download

Download a specific State Version.

Temp Folder Example

$ tfx workspace state-version download --state-id sv-VfpmiWSw5NUVWe5W
Using config file: /Users/tstraub/.tfx.hcl
Directory not supplied, creating a temp directory 
Downloading State Version from Id: sv-VfpmiWSw5NUVWe5W
State Version Found, download started... 
Status: Success
File:   /var/folders/99/srh_6psj6g5520gwyv8v3nbw0000gn/T/slug3100435901/sv-VfpmiWSw5NUVWe5W.state

tfx workspace state-version create

Create a new State Version with a supplied state file.

State Version creation has a few limitations:

  • The last State Version to be created is the "current" state file that will be used by the Workspace
  • A Workspace must be locked to create new State Version
  • The "serial" attribute must be incremented
  • The "lineage" attribute must be the same for any newly created State Version
  • The API does not return "lineage" of state version, you must download the file and parse to get the lineage

This command aims to assist in this process by performing the following actions in order:

  • Reads the latest State Version of thew Workspace (if it exists) and its "Serial" property.
  • Parses the provided file.
  • Overwrites the "Serial" property to +1 more than the latest State Version (else zero if one does not exist).
  • Locks the Workspace
  • Creates the new State Version
  • Unlocks the Workspace


$ tfx workspace state-version create --workspace-name tt-workspace --filename sv-eoYznk6PbJY1o9XY.state 
Using config file: /Users/tstraub/.tfx.hcl
Create State Version for Workspace: tt-workspace
Read state file and Parse: sv-eoYznk6PbJY1o9XY.state
Locking Workspace... 
Creating State Version... 
Unlocking Workspace... 
Provided Lineage: 6fb59365-0cc0-1c28-9dba-829221169747
Provided Serial:  21
Existing Serial:  21
Created Serial:   22