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Workspace Commands

General commands to manage Workspace Locks.

All commands below can be used with a ws alias.

tfx workspace lock

Lock a given workspace by name, in a given organization.

$ tfx workspace lock -w tfx-test-workspace-1 
Using config file: /Users/tstraub/.tfx.hcl
Lock Workspace in Organization: firefly
tfx-test-workspace-1: Locked

tfx workspace lock all

Lock all workspaces in a given organization (sequentially).

This command will ignore individual errors and attempt to execute on all Workspaces.

$ tfx workspace lock all  
Using config file: /Users/tstraub/.tfx.hcl
Lock All Workspace in Organization: firefly
Locking 6 Workspaces, please wait...
tfx-test-workspace-01:        Locked
tfx-test-workspace-02:        Locked
tfx-test-workspace-03:        Locked
tfx-test-workspace-04:        Locked
tfx-test-workspace-05:        Locked
tfx-test-workspace-06:        Locked

tfx workspace unlock

Unlock a given workspace by name, in a given organization.

$ tfx git:(tt-additional-refactor) ✗ tfx workspace unlock -w tfx-test-workspace-1
Using config file: /Users/tstraub/.tfx.hcl
Unlock Workspace in Organization: firefly
tfx-test-workspace-1: Unlocked

tfx workspace unlock all

Unlock all workspaces in a given organization (sequentially).

This command will ignore individual errors and attempt to execute on all Workspaces.

$ tfx workspace unlock all  
Using config file: /Users/tstraub/.tfx.hcl
Unlock All Workspace in Organization: firefly
Unlocking 6 Workspaces, please wait...
tfx-test-workspace-01:        Unlocked
tfx-test-workspace-02:        Unlocked
tfx-test-workspace-03:        Unlocked
tfx-test-workspace-04:        Unlocked
tfx-test-workspace-05:        Unlocked
tfx-test-workspace-06:        Unlocked