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Workspace Commands

General commands to manage Workspaces.

All commands below can be used with a ws alias.

tfx workspace list

List workspaces available for a given Organization.

Using the --all flag allows returning to all Organizations available to the provided API Token.

Additionally there are several filters available, these can be used independently or in combination.

Using the --search flag allows filtering by workspace name with a given string.

Using the --repository flag allows filtering by workspaces connected to a given repository Identifier (example: straubt1/tfe-workspace-seed).

Using the --run-status flag allows filtering by workspaces with a current run with a given status (full list of available run statuses can be found here).

Basic Example

$ tfx workspace list
Using config file: /Users/tstraub/.tfx.hcl
List Workspaces for Organization: firefly
Found 6 Workspaces
│ NAME                        │ ID                  │ CURRENT RUN CREATED   │ STATUS               │ REPOSITORY    │ LOCKED │
│ tfx-test-workspace-01       │ ws-hLFv8c9bjgXC3mdK │ Fri Oct 30 13:30 2020 │ planned_and_finished │ tstraub/demo1 │ false  │
│ tfx-test-workspace-02       │ ws-yN6DnhYxB39qqAre │                       │                      │               │ false  │
│ tfx-test-workspace-03       │ ws-3NhtTDoX6pqZguuB │                       │                      │               │ false  │
│ tfx-test-workspace-04       │ ws-uhDDVjE6Q1WxwU5C │                       │                      │               │ false  │
│ tfx-test-workspace-05       │ ws-yra8oTuc16pgYedk │                       │                      │               │ false  │
│ tfx-test-workspace-06       │ ws-qsLatjFsibCPAKWr │                       │                      │               │ false  │

Search Example

$ tfx workspace list --search aws 
Using config file: /Users/tstraub/.tfx.hcl
List Workspaces for Organization: firefly
Found 4 Workspaces
│ NAME              │ ID                  │ CURRENT RUN CREATED   │ STATUS         │ REPOSITORY    │ LOCKED │
│ aws-dev-uswest-1  │ ws-XXn8hDRGA56Wyzxe │ Fri Oct 30 13:39 2022 │ policy_checked │ tstraub/demo1 │ true   │
│ aws-prod-uswest-1 │ ws-Trm11JYZz9dj46wT │ Fri Oct 30 13:30 2022 │ errored        │ tstraub/demo2 │ true   │
│ aws-dev-uswest-1  │ ws-BUBSQysttH1FGLqr │ Fri Oct 30 13:34 2022 │ policy_checked │ tstraub/demo1 │ true   │
│ aws-prod-uswest-2 │ ws-ZWNdqJLrWzHEeevS │ Fri Oct 30 13:22 2022 │ errored        │ tstraub/demo2 │ true   │

List All Example

$ tfx workspace list --all    
Using config file: /Users/tstraub/.tfx.hcl
List Workspaces for all available Organizations 
Found 141 Workspaces
│ ORGANIZATION │ NAME                  │ ID                  │ CURRENT RUN CREATED   │ STATUS               │ REPOSITORY    │ LOCKED │
│ firefly      │ tfx-test-workspace-01 │ ws-hLFv8c9bjgXC3mdK │ Fri Oct 30 13:30 2020 │ planned_and_finished │ tstraub/demo1 │ false  │
│ firefly      │ tfx-test-workspace-02 │ ws-yN6DnhYxB39qqAre │                       │                      │               │ false  │
│ firefly      │ tfx-test-workspace-03 │ ws-3NhtTDoX6pqZguuB │                       │                      │               │ false  │
│ firefly      │ tfx-test-workspace-04 │ ws-uhDDVjE6Q1WxwU5C │                       │                      │               │ false  │
│ firefly      │ tfx-test-workspace-05 │ ws-yra8oTuc16pgYedk │                       │                      │               │ false  │
│ firefly      │ tfx-test-workspace-06 │ ws-qsLatjFsibCPAKWr │                       │                      │               │ false  │

List Workspaces with a repository Example

$ tfx workspace list --repository straubt1/demo  
Using config file: /Users/tstraub/.tfx.hcl
List Workspaces for Organization: firefly
Found 6 Workspaces
│ NAME              │ ID                  │ CURRENT RUN CREATED   │ STATUS         │ REPOSITORY    │ LOCKED │
│ tf-dev-us-west-1  │ ws-XXn8hDRGA56Wyzxe │ Fri Oct 30 13:39 2022 │ errored        │ straubt1/demo │ true   │
│ tf-stg-us-west-1  │ ws-Trm11JYZz9dj46wT │ Fri Oct 30 13:30 2022 │ policy_checked │ straubt1/demo │ true   │
│ tf-prd-us-west-1  │ ws-BUBSQysttH1FGLqr │ Fri Oct 30 13:30 2022 │ policy_checked │ straubt1/demo │ true   │
│ tf-dev-us-west-2  │ ws-ZWNdqJLrWzHEeevS │ Fri Oct 30 13:30 2022 │ policy_checked │ straubt1/demo │ true   │
│ tf-stg-us-west-2  │ ws-ZPgFWuQ79qFeX7MD │ Fri Oct 30 13:30 2022 │ policy_checked │ straubt1/demo │ true   │
│ tf-prd-us-west-2  │ ws-axCg6rXwKByChA6f │ Fri Oct 30 13:30 2022 │ policy_checked │ straubt1/demo │ true   │

List Workspaces with a repository and a run status Example

$ tfx workspace list --repository straubt1/demo --run-status errored
Using config file: /Users/tstraub/.tfx.hcl
List Workspaces for Organization: firefly
Found 1 Workspaces
│ NAME              │ ID                  │ CURRENT RUN CREATED   │ STATUS         │ REPOSITORY    │ LOCKED │
│ tf-dev-us-west-1  │ ws-XXn8hDRGA56Wyzxe │ Fri Oct 30 13:39 2022 │ errored        │ straubt1/demo │ true   │

tfx workspace show

Show details of a given Workspace, include Team Access and State sharing.


$ tfx workspace show -n tfx-test          
Using config file: /Users/tstraub/.tfx.hcl
Show Workspace: tfx-test
ID:                   ws-VxepewkunumUbR9V
Terraform Version:    1.0.0
Execution Mode:       remote
Auto Apply:           false
Working Directory:    
Locked:               false
Global State Sharing: false
Current Run Id:       run-tNGxao7zMos5YrY1
Current Run Status:   errored
Current Run Created:  Sun Aug 21 16:40 2022
Team Access:         
Remote State Sharing: