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TFx Docs

tfx documentation.

Command Output

Most commands support a --json (or -j for short) flag that will return a proper JSON response.

Note: Not all commands today support this flag and will ignore it.

Default Output:

$ tfx variable list -w tfx-test               
Using config file: /Users/tstraub/.tfx.hcl
List Variables for Workspace: tfx-test
│ ID                   │ KEY       │ VALUE          │ SENSITIVE │ HCL   │ CATEGORY  │ DESCRIPTION          │
│ var-7XYNuuo4tMjXeXG4 │ variable7 │ {falsetrue  │ terraform │ I am a map in a file │
│                      │           │   "a" = "1",   │           │       │           │                      │
│                      │           │   "b" = "zoo", │           │       │           │                      │
│                      │           │   "c" = "42"   │           │       │           │                      │
│                      │           │ }              │           │       │           │                      │
│ var-MJaLJ7czxKuU48eu │ variable3 │ It is friday   │ falsefalse │ env       │ I am environmental   │

JSON Output:

$ tfx variable list -w tfx-test --json | jq .
    "Category": "terraform",
    "Description": "I am a map in a file",
    "HCL": true,
    "Id": "var-7XYNuuo4tMjXeXG4",
    "Key": "variable7",
    "Sensitive": false,
    "Value": "{\n  \"a\" = \"1\",\n  \"b\" = \"zoo\",\n  \"c\" = \"42\"\n}"
    "Category": "env",
    "Description": "I am environmental",
    "HCL": false,
    "Id": "var-MJaLJ7czxKuU48eu",
    "Key": "variable3",
    "Sensitive": false,
    "Value": "It is friday"

API Workflow Commands


Workspace Run Workflow Example

Create a Plan

# Create a speculative plan that can not be applied
tfx plan -w tfx-test -s

# Create a plan that can be applied
tfx plan -w tfx-test

# Create a Configuration Version based on terraform in the current directory
tfx cv create -w tfx-test

# Create a Configuration Version based on terraform in a supplied directory
tfx cv create -w tfx-test -d ./myterraformfolder/

# Create a plan based on a configuration version
tfx plan -w tfx-test -i cv-HKE8gevVtGBXapcq

Create an Apply

tfx apply -r <run-id>

Workspace Commands


Private Registry Commands


Terraform Enterprise Management Commands
